Stereo plus 3 beam, Nate, Steam – Yamaha YSP-1100 User Manual

Page 47: Notes

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Stereo plus 3 beam

Outputs normal sound from the front left and right
channels and sound beams from the center and surround
left and right channles. This mode is ideal for watching
live recordings on a DVD. Vocals and instrumental sounds
can be heard close to the center of the listening position
while sound reflections from the venue itself can be heard
on your right and left, giving you the feeling that you are
sitting right in front of the stage.

Press ST+3BEAM on the remote control to select

the stereo plus 3 beam.


The front left and right sound beams are output directly to the
listening position.


Outputs sound beams from the front left and right and
center channels. This mode is ideal for enjoying movies
with the whole family. Because the listening position area
is widened, you can enjoy excellent quality surround
sound over a wider area. In addition, you can use this
mode when the listening position is close to the backside
of the wall and the surround left and right beams cannot

Press 3BEAM on the remote control to select the
3 beam.

You can achieve a more realistic surround effect if you adjust
settings for IMAGE LOCATION in BEAM MENU (see page 66).


When you play back multi-channel sources, surround left and

right signals are mixed down and output from the front left and
right channels.

• The front left and right sound beams are output towards the

walls in your listening room.

