Hudson Robotics SOLO User Manual
Page 54
The user would enter the desired temperature to be achieved (the SetPoint)
in the appropriate box. The range is -10.0 to 110.0 Deg.C. When a
Method is running, the “Actual:” box will display the actual temperature
of the Nest. The user has several optional ways to execute this step:
Turn Nest OFF at End of Method: un-checking this will allow the
user to keep the heating/cooling action running after the running
Method ends. If this remains checked, it will turn OFF at the end
of a run.
Don’t Wait: this will send the SetPoint to the Nest, starting
heating/cooling action, but then will immediately continue to the
next step in this method.
Wait Until Actual = SetPoint: this will cause this step to hold here
until the Nest’s actual temperature reaches the targeted SetPoint,
then will immediately move on to the next method step.
Wait Until Temperature is Stable: this will cause this step to hold
here until the actual temperature stops changing, even though
SetPoint may have been reached before this.
Turn Nest OFF Now: checking this will simply use this method
step to turn the heating/cooling action OFF, then the step will exit.
Turn Nest OFF at Temperature: this will turn the nest OFF
immediately upon satisfying either of the previous two selections,
then advance to the next method step.
Log Temperature @: checking this box will cause this step to log
the ACTUAL temperature to the SOLOSoft log file at intervals
given by the entry in the accompanying box (in seconds). This
logging will continue even after this step exits, until the method