Hudson Robotics SOLO User Manual

Page 18

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2 – SOLOSoft: Main Screen

2.1 - Overview

Upon Startup, SOLOSoft presents the ‘Log In’ display, which shows the

current Version and a “Log In” button. Click on the button, then enter

your name and password. On initial usage, the default User Name is

“User” with a blank password. Under the “Tools Menu” discussion below

are instructions about setting up actual user names and their passwords.

After entering a valid user name and password, the ‘Main Screen’ display

is shown, as below:

Clicking on any of the five options on the Menu Bar provides the menu

features described in the following subsections.

2.2 – File Menu

New –

This option creates a blank method whose default name is “Document1”,

and the user can now start developing a new method as described in the

‘Method Development’ section below. The new method can then be saved

under the “Save As…” option described below+.

Open –

This option allows the user to open an existing method, either to run it or to

edit it. The default storage folder for existing methods is “C:\Program

Files\SOLOSoft”, however a browse window allows the user to for a method

file that may be located elsewhere. Multiple methods may be open at the

same time, with the currently active method being the one whose display is

out front.

Close –

This will close the currently active method (the one in front) only.

Close All –

This will close ALL open methods.