Figure 3-4 maxdax call routing -76 – Lucent Technologies 6000 User Manual

Page 120

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MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide

Configuring WAN Access
Configuring MAXDAX

Figure 3-4. MAXDAX call routing

Configuring channels on which the MAX unit sends outgoing calls

You can configure any channel to be available for outgoing calls, by assigning it a
channel-group number. A channel group can consist of a single channel or multiple channels.

To configure channels to be available for outbound calls, open the Net/T1 (Net/E1) > Line
Config > Line Config profile > Line N > Net2Net ChanGroup ID profile. For each outgoing

MAX routes call according to call
routing as discussed in “Configuring
inbound calls” on page 3-59.

MAX receives a call on line A, channel N.

MAX makes call, on first
available channel assigned to
specified channel group, using
Dial Plan profile.

MAX compares called number and
data service of the call to values in
first Answer Plan profile.

For line A, does Net/T1(E1) >
Line Config > Line Config
profile > Line N > Net2Net
Incoming Calls > Ch N Dest



Does Dial Plan #=0?

Does #DialPlanSelDigits=0?

MAX makes call, on first
available channel assigned to
specified channel group, using
no Dial Plan profile.

MAX makes call, on first
available channel assigned to
specified channel group, using
Dial Plan profile specified by the
leading digit (or two) of the
called number.

Did either called number, data
service, or both match?


MAX makes call, on first available channel
assigned to specified channel group, using
Dial Plan profile if specified.


Checked all Answer Plan profiles?


MAX compares called number
and data service of the call to
values in the next Answer Plan






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