Changing projector source input, Changing projector source input -5 – High End Systems DL1 User Manual
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DL.1 User Manual
DMX Programming
To use the native projector menu system under DMX control:
1. Send DMX decimal value 180–184 (Menu button) on Channel 10 to access the
projector’s main menu. Send a DMX value in the “safe” range (0–9).
This command is equivalent to releasing the key on the projector’s keypad.
Failure to release the key will result in unpredictable performance.
Optional. If the projector is mounted on the ceiling, flip the display by sending a
value from 205–208 on Channel 10.
2. Use Channels 1 through 4 to adjust the pan and tilt to direct the projector to a
suitable surface so you can view its on-screen display.
3. Adjust Zoom (Channel 7) and Focus (Channel 6) as needed to bring the
projector’s on-screen display into focus.
4. Use the projector’s on-screen display as discussed in the projector manual
provided with the DL.1 fixture.
5. To exit the projector’s menu system, repeat steps 2 and 3.
Projector Orientation.
Projector Floor Orientation, Projector Ceiling Orientation,
Projector Front Projection and Projector Rear Projection are active commands – i.e.
they do not require the dimming iris value to be at zero to operate.
Once set, these commands maintain their value until reset even after shutdown and
re-homing. For example, if the Control channel is set to DMX decimal value of 210 to
switch the unit to Ceiling operation, then the unit will remain in Ceiling orientation
until another command is sent to switch back to Floor. This allows the Control
channel to revert to its safe value or some other value without losing the orientation
or mirroring status.
Changing Projector Source Input
S-Video input can be utilized with either RGBHV or VGA but not both. You can select
between RGBHV and VGA in the menu system, (see “Projector Input Source” on page
3-8). RGBHV is the factory default. You can also select the Projector Input via DMX
using Channel 11.
Note: Before being able to use the DMX protocol to select projector source input,
you must enable the PROJ IN BY DMX? menu option, see “Projector In By
DMX?” on page 3-10.
Once the selection is made, allow about 10 seconds for the change to take effect .
Caution: Do not physically connect both the VGA and the RGBHV
connectors at the same time. Doing so can damage the projector
and void the warranty.