Honeywell VRX180 User Manual

Page 70

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Programming and Operating Concepts

Video Recorder – User Manual





2-character output code


See Table 3-4 for all choices.

Channel number of function block

Type of
function block

AI - Analog Input
AL - Alarm
AO - Analog Output

CV - Calculated Value
CN - Constant
DI - Discrete Input
DO - Discrete Output

LP - Loop (control)
SP - Setpoint Profiler

Choices depend on type of function block.
Commonly used choices:

Choices vary depending on type of function

SY - System
TL - Totalizer

Figure 3-9 Function Block Connection Format

Before programming a function block’s input parameter with a CV’s (Calculated Value) output code, you
must program the CV first. Otherwise, the CV’s output parameter will not be available for programming.

The function block SY (System Parameter) operates internally and cannot be programmed. It
automatically produces outputs which reflect the status of alarms, data storage, diagnostics, and
reference junction temperature. These outputs can be used as inputs to function blocks.

How to program an input parameter with a number

Besides connecting an input parameter to another function block, you can program an input parameter
with a number. The instrument will accept -999,999 to 9,999,999.

Continuing with the previous example, assume we want Loop #2’s Setpoint #2 to be a number.
Therefore, we must program Loop #2’s Setpoint #2 parameter with a number, say 95. The following
procedure shows how.