Honeywell VRX180 User Manual

Page 19

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Video Recorder - User Manual


Table 1-1 Specifications (continued)

Input Impedance



Input Current

0.9 mA @ 100 Vac

1.1 mA @ 12 Vdc
3.2 mA @ 24 Vdc

Minimum ON Current

0.3 mA

0.3 mA

Maximum OFF Current

0.15 mA

0.2 mA

Base Power Required*

50 mA maximum

50 mA maximum

OFF to ON Response

5 to 30 ms

1 to 8 ms

ON to OFF Response

10 to 50 ms

1 to 8 ms

Logic Inputs


6 (dry contact) per module, up to 6 modules per video recorder

Isolation from ground

2300 Vac/1 min.

Switching Voltage

5 Vdc

Switching Current

5 mA

Digital Outputs

AC Outputs

DC Outputs


6 per module, up to 6 modules per video
recorder. Only 1-5 on each module can
be configured as DAT outputs.

6 (current sinking) per module, up to 6
modules per video recorder. Only 1-5
on each module can be configured as
DAT outputs.

Operating Voltage

15 to 264 Vac

10.2 to 26.4 Vdc

Output Type

SSR (Triac)

NPN open collector

Peak Voltage

264 Vac

40 Vdc

AC Frequency

47 to 63 Hz


Isolation from ground

2300 Vac/1 min.

1100 Vac/1 min.

Isolation between outputs

350 Vac

30 Vac

ON Voltage Drop

<1.5 Vac (>0.1A)
<3.0 Vac (<0.1A)

1.5 Vdc maximum

Maximum Load Current

0.5A per point

0.3A per point

Maximum Leakage Current

4 mA (264 Vac, 60 Hz)
1.2 mA (100 Vac, 60 Hz)
0.9 mA (100 Vac, 50 Hz)

0.1 mA @ 40 Vdc

Maximum Inrush Current

10A for 10 ms

1A for 10 ms

Minimum Load

10 mA

0.5 mA

Base Power required*

20 mA/ ON pt. 250 mA

120 mA maximum

OFF to ON Response

1 ms

1 ms

ON to OFF Response

1 ms +1/2 cycle

1 ms

Fuses (European type 5 x

1 per output, 1.0A slow blow

1 per output
1A fast blow

Relay (Alarm) Outputs


6 per module, up to 6 modules per video recorder. Only 1-5 on each module can be
configured as DAT outputs.

Contact Rating

2A, 250 Vac on resistive load

Isolation from ground

2300 Vac/1 min.

Isolation between outputs

2300 Vac/1 min.

Contact Type

SPST normally open (NO), individually configurable to normally closed (NC) via

* Base Power Required is the power required to provided module operation within specifications.