Attention – Honeywell VRX180 User Manual

Page 194

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Setpoint Profiler

Video Recorder – User Manual


Rate Ramp Type

Each ramp segment’s TIME specifies the rate at which the profiler output will reach the next soak

segment, where the rate is specified by the prompts TIME/TIME UNITS. The ramp segment’s VALUE
prompt is not used.

Segment #1

Segment #3

Segment #1

Segment #3

Ramp Type = Rate

Example: Time = 3. Time Units = Seconds. PV units = degrees F.
Therefore, profile will ramp to next soak Value at 3 degrees F per second
Value = not used with ramp segments

Value = value of soak

Segment #2
Time = Rate

Features of this ramp type

* First and last segments must be soaks

* No consecutive ramps or soaks

Ramp segments

Time = rate at which next soak Value will be reached, in PV units/Time Units.

Soak segments

Time = duration of soak

Figure 5-5 Rate Ramp Type


Rate ramp type’s TIME prompt is in engineering units of the PV, not in time units (seconds, minutes, or hours).

External Ramp Type

This ramp type works with the RAMP INCREMENT discrete input. During a ramp segment, each time
RAMP INCREMENT changes from OFF to ON, the profiler output incrementally changes by the amount
specified in the ramp segment’s TIME (in units of the PV). When RAMP INCREMENT changes from ON
to OFF, the profiler output soaks at its present value. This increment-soak repeats until the profiler
output reaches the VALUE of the next soak segment. The ramp segment’s VALUE prompt is not used.