Honeywell VRX180 User Manual

Page 18

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Video recorder – User Manual


Table 1-1 Specifications (continued)

Universal Analog Inputs


4 per module, up to 12 modules per video recorder

Input Types

mV, V, mA, T/C, RTD, pyrometers

Signal source

Thermocouple with cold junction compensation
Line resistance up to 1000 ohms, T/C, mV, mA, V
RTD, 3-wire connections, 40 ohms balanced maximum

Input Impedance

10 megohms for T/C and mV inputs; >1 megohm for volt inputs

Input Isolation

400 Vdc point-to-point
1350 Vac RMS A/D converter to logic

Stray rejection

Series mode >60 dB. Common mode at 120 Vac >130 dB.


T/C, Pyrometry configurable to upscale, downscale or none.
Linear types: none except following ranges:
Volt: -500 to 500 mV; -1 to 1V; -2 to 2V; -5 to 5V; 0 to 10V; -10 to 10V; inherent to
zero volt
RTD: Inherent upscale
mA: Inherent downscale

T/C Break Detection

Via current pulse

Scan rate

Fastest rate:
250 ms up to 4 inputs, 500 ms up to 12 inputs, 750 ms up to 16 inputs,
1s up to 24 inputs,1,5 s up to 28 inputs, 2 s up to 44 inputs, 3 s up to 48 inputs.

A/D Converter Resolution

Better than 1 part in 50,000 at 50 Hz.
Better than 1 part in 41,667 at 60 Hz.

Analog Outputs


4 per module (non-isolated), up to 2 modules per video recorder (8 outputs)


Current output configurable within 0 to 20 mA. Maximum load 400 ohms per output.
Voltage output configurable 0 to 5 V.

Isolation from ground

350 Vac


Factory configured accuracy = 0.1% at reference conditions
Field calibration accuracy = 0.05%

Temperature Effects

0.1% per 10°C in the rated limits

D/A Resolution

16 bits

Digital Inputs

AC Inputs

DC Inputs


6 per module, up to 6 modules per
video recorder

6 (sink/source) per module, up to 6 modules
per video recorder

Input Voltage Range

80 to 264 Vac

10.2 to 26.4 Vdc

Peak Voltage

264 Vac

26.4 Vdc

AC Frequency

47 to 63 Hz


Isolation from ground

2300 Vac/1 min.

1100 Vac/1 min.

Isolation between inputs

350 Vac

30 Vac

ON Voltage Level

75 Vac minimum

9.5 Vdc minimum

OFF Voltage Level

20 Vac maximum

3.5 Vdc maximum