Horizon Fitness GS1050E User Manual
Page 29

eX-68, eX-78, GS1050e onlY:
WorKoUt 1 – rollinG: Resistance program. Mimics the feeling of moving up and down hills by gradually increasing
and decreasing the resistance.
WorKoUt 2 – MoUntain: Resistance and incline program (only EX-78 has incline). Mimics the feeling of moving up
and down mountains by increasing and decreasing the resistance and incline (only EX-78 has incline).
WorKoUt 3 – reVerSe train: Resistance program. Cues you to pedal forward and backwards for an exciting and
challenging workout.
USinG cUStoM proGraMS (eX-68, eX-78, GS1050e onlY)
1) Use / or + / – keys to select USER 1, USER 2 or gUEST. Press ENTER to confirm.
2) Press the CUSTOM 1 and 2 key to select a custom program. Press ENTER to confirm
3) Press SELECT TARgET to select time, distance, or calories goal. The LED will light up next to the target selected. Press
ENTER to select desired target. A new target must be selected each time a custom program is selected.
4) Set each resistance profile by using the / or + / – keys and press ENTER. Repeat for all 15 resistance profiles.
5) EX-78 only: Set each incline profile by using the / or + / – keys and press ENTER. Repeat for all 15 incline profiles.
6) Press START to begin.