8 changing the pane size – HP gnu source-level debugger 5992-4701 User Manual

Page 251

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*>:32 print_average (my_list, first, last); :
:33 print_average (my_list, first, last - 3); :
:34 } :
:35 :
File: average.c Procedure: main Line: 32 pc: 0x3524
(gdb) la regs
(gdb) la src
(gdb) la regs
(gdb) foc next
Focus set to REGS window.
(gdb) fr
#0 main () at average.c:32

The default floating-point register display is single-precision. To change the register
display to double-precision and then back again, use the XDB toggle float

toggle $fregs

The window looks like this:

|fpsr 0 fpe1 0 |
|fpe2 0 fpe3 0 |
|fpe4 0 fpe5 0 |
|fpe6 0 fpe7 0 |
|fr4 0 fr4R 0 |
|fr5 1.0000000000000011 fr5R 7.00649232e-45 |
*>:32 print_average (my_list, first, last); :
:33 print_average (my_list, first, last - 3); :
:34 } :
:35 :
:36 :
:37 :
File: average.c Procedure: main Line: 32 pc: 0x3524
(gdb) la regs
(gdb) la src
(gdb) la regs
(gdb) foc next
Focus set to REGS window.
(gdb) fr
(gdb) tf

15.8 Changing the pane size

To specify a new height for a pane or to increase or decrease the current height, use
the winheight command (abbreviated winh or wh).

The syntax is:

15.8 Changing the pane size