HP gnu source-level debugger 5992-4701 User Manual

Page 107

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==, !=

Equality and inequality. Defined on scalar types. The value of these
expressions is 0 for false and non-zero for true.

<, >, <=, >=

Less than, greater than, less than or equal, greater than or equal.
Defined on scalar types. The value of these expressions is 0 for false
and non-zero for true.

<<, >>

left shift, and right shift. Defined on integral types.


The GDB “artificial array” operator (see

“Expressions” (page 83)


+, -

Addition and subtraction. Defined on integral types, floating-point
types and pointer types.

*, /, %

Multiplication, division, and modulus. Multiplication and division
are defined on integral and floating-point types. Modulus is defined
on integral types.

++, --

Increment and decrement. When appearing before a variable, the
operation is performed before the variable is used in an expression;
when appearing after it, the value of the variable is used before
the operation takes place.


Pointer dereferencing. Defined on pointer types. Same precedence
as ++.


Address operator. Defined on variables. Same precedence as ++.

For debugging C++, GDB implements a use of '&' beyond what is
allowed in the C++ language itself: you can use '&(&ref)' (or, if
you prefer, simply '&&ref') to examine the address where a C++
reference variable (declared with '&ref') is stored.


Negative. Defined on integral and floating-point types. Same
precedence as ++.


Logical negation. Defined on integral types. Same precedence as


Bitwise complement operator. Defined on integral types. Same
precedence as ++.

., ->

Structure member, and pointer-to-structure member. For
convenience, GDB regards the two as equivalent, choosing whether
to dereference a pointer based on the stored type information.
Defined on struct and union data.

.*, ->*

Dereferences pointers to members.


Array indexing. a[i] is defined as *(a+i). Same precedence as



Function parameter list. Same precedence as ->.

9.4 Supported languages