HP gnu source-level debugger 5992-4701 User Manual

Page 161

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info leaks filename

Writes the complete leak report output to the
specified file.

info leak leaknumber

Produces detailed information on the specified
leak including the allocation call stack.

set heap-check block-size


Instructs WDB to stop the program whenever it
tries to allocate a block larger than num-bytes in

set heap-check heap-size


Instructs WDB to stop the program whenever it
tries to increase the program heap by at least


This option reports the heap allocations that
exceed the specified number of bytes
based on the cumulative number of bytes that
are allocated at each call-site, which is inclusive
of multiple calls to malloc at a particular call

set heap-check watch


Stops the program whenever a block at a
specified address is allocated or deal- located.

set heap-check null-check

[N | random]

Force malloc to return NULL after N or random
number of invocations of malloc. Use set
heap-check random-range N

and set

heap-check seed-value N

to define the seed

value and range for random number calculation.
Useful for simulating out-of-memory situations.

set heap-check

null-check-size N

Force malloc to return NULL after N bytes have
been allocated by the program.

catch nomem

Allows the user to get control of an
out-of-memory event. The user can step through
once the nomem event is caught to see whether
the out-of-memory event is handled correctly.

set heap-check free [on |


When set to on, forces WDB to stop the program
when it detects a call to free() with an
improper argument, a call to realloc() that
does not point to a valid currently allocated heap
block, or a call to free a block of memory, which
has been corrupted. Refer set heap-check

for details on detecting memory


set heap-check string [on

| off]

Toggles validation of calls to strcpy, strncpy,

, memccpy, memset, memmove, bzero,

14.10 Debugging Memory Problems