HP 16500B User Manual
Page 129
© Copyright Hewlett-
Packard Company 1987-1994
All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, adaptation, or
translation without prior written
permission is prohibited, except as
allowed under the copyright laws.
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the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions set forth in
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Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software Clause in
DFARS 252.227-7013.
Hewlett-Packard Company, 3000
Hanover Street, Palo Alto, CA
94304 U.S.A.
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Document Warranty
The information contained in this
document is subject to change
without notice.
Hewlett-Packard makes no
warranty of any kind with
regard to this material,
including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.
Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable
for errors contained herein or for
damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of
this material.
This apparatus has been designed
and tested in accordance with IEC
Publication 348, Safety
Requirements for Measuring
Apparatus, and has been supplied
in a safe condition. This is a Safety
Class I instrument (provided with
terminal for protective earthing).
Before applying power, verify that
the correct safety precautions are
taken (see the following warnings).
In addition, note the external
markings on the instrument that
are described under "Safety
Before turning on the
instrument, you must connect the
protective earth terminal of the
instrument to the protective
conductor of the (mains) power
cord. The mains plug shall only be
inserted in a socket outlet
provided with a protective earth
contact. You must not negate the
protective action by using an
extension cord (power cable)
without a protective conductor
(grounding). Grounding one
conductor of a two-conductor
outlet is not sufficient protection.
Only fuses with the required
rated current, voltage, and
specified type (normal blow, time
delay, etc.) should be used. Do not
use repaired fuses or
short-circuited fuseholders. To do
so could cause a shock of fire
Service instructions are for
trained service personnel. To avoid
dangerous electric shock, do not
perform any service unless
qualified to do so. Do not attempt
internal service or adjustment
unless another person, capable of
rendering first aid and
resuscitation, is present.
If you energize this instrument
by an auto transformer (for voltage
reduction), make sure the common
terminal is connected to the earth
terminal of the power source.
Whenever it is likely that the
ground protection is impaired, you
must make the instrument
inoperative and secure it against
any unintended operation.
Do not operate the instrument
in the presence of flammable
gasses or fumes. Operation of any
electrical instrument in such an
environment constitutes a definite
safety hazard.
Do not install substitute parts or
perform any unauthorized
modification to the instrument.
Capacitors inside the instrument
may retain a charge even if the
instrument is disconnected from
its source of supply.
Use caution when exposing or
handling the CRT. Handling or
replacing the CRT shall be done
only by qualified maintenance
Safety Symbols
Instruction manual symbol: the
product is marked with this symbol
when it is necessary for you to
refer to the instruction manual in
order to protect against damage to
the product.
Hazardous voltage symbol.
Earth terminal symbol: Used to
indicate a circuit common
connected to grounded chassis.
The Warning sign denotes a
hazard. It calls attention to a
procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not correctly performed
or adhered to, could result in
personal injury. Do not proceed
beyond a Warning sign until the
indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
The Caution sign denotes a hazard.
It calls attention to an operating
procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not correctly performed
or adhered to, could result in
damage to or destruction of part or
all of the product. Do not proceed
beyond a Caution symbol until the
indicated conditions are fully
understood or met.
P.O. Box 2197
1900 Garden of the Gods Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80901