Specifications, Characteristics – HP 16500B User Manual

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The specifications are the performance standards against which the product is tested. There
are no specifications for the HP 16500B or the HP 16501A.


These characteristics are not specifications, but are included as additional information. The
following characteristics are typical for the HP 16500B/16501A system.

Hard Disk Drive

Capacity 86 Mbyte unformatted; Formatted as a Microsoft DOS disk drive IDE Interface

Flexible Disk Drive

Capacity 1.44 Mbyte formatted Microsoft DOS or LIF supported.


Instrument settings and operating modes, including automatic measurements, may be
remotely programmed via RS-232C, HP-IB (IEEE-488), or optional HP 16500L (Ethernet).

Hardcopy Output

Printers Supported HP ThinkJet, HP QuietJet, HP LaserJet, HP PaintJet, HP Deskjet,
HP Deskjet C, Epson and Epson-compatible (for example, Epson FX-80) via RS-232C or

RS-232C Configurations Protocols: XON/XOFF, Hardware; Data bits: 8; Stop bits: 1, 1
1/2, 2; Parity: none, odd, or even; Baud rates: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200.

HP-IB Interface Functions SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L3, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP1, DC1, DT1, C0
and E2.

Rear Panel BNCs:

Port-in User selectable: TTL, ECL or user defined; Zin = 4 k

; Maximum Vin = -6.0 V at

1.5 mA to +6 V at 1.6 mA.

Port-out Output signal is active high, TTL output level, high > 2 V into 50

, low < 0.4 V

into 50


Intermodule Bus (IMB)

Run Control Oscilloscope, timing, state, and pattern generation can be armed by Group
Run. Modules can run concurrently or be armed in series. Each module can arm one or
more modules.

Mixed Display Mode Any timing or oscilloscope waveform displays can be mixed.
State listings can be included with waveforms in the State/Timing Mixed Mode display.

Acquiring Data for Mixed Displays To obtain a mixed display, multiple modules must
be armed through the IMB. To include state listings in mixed mode displays, state time
tagging must be on.

General Information

