PLANET ISG-101 User Manual

Page 14

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Internet Subscriber Gateway

3) Date/Time: The valid setting of year is from 1999 to 2035.

4) WAN Configuration: Enter WAN port IP Address Configuration such like IP address, subnet

mask and gateway. The Web server port default is 80, however some user may set up the

ISG-101 under the NAT network. The administrator has to set the special Web server port so

that ISG-101 can be remote access under NAT network.

Notice: The web server port allowed range is from 8000 to 8099 if administrator wants to remote

access under NAT Network. For access the ISG-101 system under NAT, please tab the “http://

WAN Port IP Address: Port Number”. For Example: “”. The function of

remote access ISG-101 system will be released after V1.00.02 version. For the release news

please check the PLANET Web Site or contact PLANET Support Team.

5) DHCP Configuration:

DHCP Disable: Disable DHCP function.

DHCP Relay function: To route DHCP through an external server, the administrator needs to

enable the DHCP Relay and assign a valid DHCP server IP address.

Server IP Address: Tab the DHCP relay server IP address.

Agent IP Address: Tab the relay agent IP address, normally enter the ISG-101 WAN IP is


DHCP Server: ISG-101 include a DHCP sever inside. To enable this function please choose

the DHCP Server item, and set the DHCP server information.

Server IP Address: Tab the DHCP server IP address.

Start IP Address: Tab the DHCP pool start IP.

End IP Address: Tab the DHCP pool end IP.

Subnet Mask: Tab the DHCP subnet mask.

Lease Time: Tab the DHCP lease time. The maximum of DHCP lease time is 71582788


Notice: 1. You must disable the DHCP server before enable the DHCP relay. Both features

can’t be enabled concurrently.

2.To set up the DHCP pool that is the same network with WAN port you just tab the

WAN port IP address. If you want to set up a NAT DHCP pool please type the same

network IP Address with NAT network as the DHCP server IP address.

6) DNS IP Address: Enter the IP address for the DNS servers (located at the customer’s network

operating center where DNS requests are sent)

Notice: The secondary and tertiary DNS servers are only initialized if the primary DNS server is


7) E-mail Server IP Address: To prevent some subscriber’s original Email server may protect by

firewall or NAT network. ISG-101 provides an extra Email server parameter to forward the

subscriber’s Email. The ISG-101 not only forwards the subscribers’ E-mail via other E-mail

server but also changes the SMTP header. The recipient of your E-mail sees the message as

if you sent it from your local Internet Service Provide, not form the hotel or other place.

Notice: Before setting this sever, please make sure the E-mail sever relay function is opened.

4-2-5 Subscriber Management

Figure 4-15 Web-based Configuator Subscriber Management Screen

1) Subscriber Control: Including deciding to check subscriber’s username & password or not and

which authentication function will be used.

2) Customize Login UI: For some Hotels or ISPs, they may hope to have a customize

subscriber’s login page to the users. This function helps they to realize the ideal. The page

elements are including company logo, welcome note, background color, article etc. Certainly

the administrator can decide to use only stand form.