PLANET ISG-101 User Manual
Page 10
Internet Subscriber Gateway
5) DHCP Configuration: There are three types of DHCP Services. Enter 'D' to disable the
DHCP server function, 'R' to enable DHCP Relay function, or 'S' to enable DHCP Server
Notice: The parameters will display on the screen only when the relative item is chosen.
DHCP Relay function: To route DHCP through an external server, the administrator needs to
enable the DHCP Relay and assign a valid DHCP server IP address.
Server IP Address: Tab the DHCP relay server IP address.
Agent IP Address: Tab the relay agent IP address, normally enter the ISG-101 WAN IP is OK.
Notice: You must disable the DHCP server before enable the DHCP relay. Both features can’t
be enabled concurrently.
Enable DHCP server function: ISG-101 include a DHCP sever inside. To enable this function
please choose the DHCP service as ‘S’, and set the DHCP server information.
Server IP Address: Tab the DHCP server IP address.
Start IP Address: Tab the DHCP pool start IP.
End IP Address: Tab the DHCP pool end IP.
Subnet Mask: Tab the DHCP subnet mask.
Lease Time: Tab the DHCP lease time. The maximum of DHCP lease time is 71582788
Notice: To set up the DHCP pool that is the same network with WAN port you just tab the WAN
port IP address. If you want to set up a NAT DHCP pool please type the same network IP
Address with NAT network as the DHCP server IP address.
6) DNS IP Address: Enter the IP address for the DNS servers (located at the customer’s
network operating center where DNS requests are sent)
Notice: The secondary DNS servers are only initialized if the primary DNS server is unavailable.
7) E-mail Server IP Address: To prevent some subscriber’s original Email server may protect
by firewall or NAT network. ISG-101 provides an extra Email server parameter to forward the
subscriber’s Email. The ISG-101 not only forwards the subscribers’ E-mail via other E-mail
server but also changes the SMTP header. The recipient of your E-mail sees the message as if
you sent it from your local Internet Service Provide, not form the hotel or other place.
Notice: Before setting this sever, please make sure the E-mail sever relay function is opened.
4-1-4 System Status
System Status
System Name
: ISG-101
Console Baud Rate
: 9600
Auto Logout Timer
: 10
WAN Configuration
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway :
Web Server Port
: 80
DHCP Configuration
DHCP Service? (D/R/S)
: Disable
E-Mail Server IP Address
: N/A
Primary DNS IP Address
Secondary DNS IP Address
Press any key to return.
Figure 4-5 System Status Screen
System Status is only displaying system information from screen no authority to change any
Notice: If the system parameter information is not available, the column will display N/A.