PLANET GS-4210-8P2S User Manual
Page 132
User’s Manual of GS-4210 Series
The page includes the following fields:
Controls whether GVRP is enabled or disabled on this switch.
Join Timeout
The interval between transmitting requests/queries to participate in a VLAN
Range: 20-16375 centiseconds
Default: 20 centiseconds
Leave Timeout
The interval a port waits before leaving a VLAN group. This time should be set to
more than twice the join time. This ensures that after a Leave or LeaveAll
message has been issued, the applicants can rejoin before the port actually
leaves the group.
Range: 45-32760 centiseconds
Default: 60 centiseconds
LeaveAll Timeout
The interval between sending out a LeaveAll query message for VLAN group
participants and the port leaving the group. This interval should be considerably
larger than the Leave Time to minimize the amount of traffic generated by nodes
rejoining the group.
Range: 65-32765 centiseconds;
Default: 1000 centiseconds
Timer settings must follow this rule:
2 x (join timer) < leave timer < leaveAll timer
: Click to apply changes.
Figure 4-5-14 GVRP Global Setting Page Screenshot
The page includes the following fields: