Rosen Aviation 0604 Series : Rosenview VX User Manual

Page 22

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Rosen Aviation

RosenView VX Technical Manual

Document Number: 100640

Revision: G
Date: 9/19/12

Template:; Revision A; 31 May, 2012

Page 22 of 23

IR Infrared

LED Light-emitting Diode

NMEA National Marine Electronics Association

PAL Phase Alternate (by) Line

– the analog video specification used by most

European countries and their former colonies worldwide.

PCB Printed Circuit Board

– an electronics assembly that performs tasks.

P/N Part number

PS2 Personal System 2 (trademarked IBM keyboard specification).

RS-232 Standard for transmitting serial information using single-ended signaling

(data lines referenced to ground).

RGB Red, Green, Blue. An abbreviation commonly used for analog computer

graphics video that transmits the three primary colors on separate wires.

RMS Root Mean Square

USB Universal Serial Bus. A high-speed differential signaling serial bus typically

used to connect peripheral devices to a personal computer.

UTC Coordinated Universal Time, the primary time standard

VDC Volts direct current

– voltage from an aircraft battery or generator

VGA (Video Graphics Array) RGB video connection

Vpp Volts peak-to-peak; the maximum range of a sine wave. Sometimes

expressed as Vp-p.

Wpt Waypoint