Save results to a test file (.exml), Save as to save results to a different file, Print the test as a print-screen – Retrotec FanTestic (ATTMA) User Manual

Page 49: 2 save results to a test file (.exml), 3 save as to save results to a different file, 4 print the test as a print-screen

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the test file was created). If you have this option turned on (“Test History”  “AutoHide“ not
enabled), the list will remain open on the left at all times. Click the name of the test file you
would like to open.

Click on “File”  “Open” and a pop-up Windows Explorer window will display all tests all tests
in the [MyDocuments]\Retrotec\Tests directory which have the file extension “.exml”.

Click on “Test History”  “Show” – the left hand list of all saved tests will appear, the same as
the one displayed on the opening screen for FanTestic.

If you open an existing test with AutoSave turned on, and make changes, your original file will be
changed and saved in the changed state and will not be recoverable. It is always best to work on a copy
of an older test so that the original data is always available.

9.2 Save results to a test file (.exml)

When a new test file is created, it is automatically named based on the Standard used (ATTMA) and the
date (yyyy-MM-dd) and time (HHmm) that the file was created, and it has a file extension of .exml.

For example, “ATTMA 2014-02-28 1642.exml” would be the name of the file created at 16:42 (4:42pm)
on the 28th day of February in the year 2014.

When you click “File”  “Save”, FanTestic stores test data into that file.

Test files are normally saved on your local C: drive under [MyDocuments]\Retrotec\Tests.

Test data can be automatically saved at periodic intervals by turning the Auto Save function on (“File” 
“Auto save?”).

Turn AutoSave Off if you wish to double click to launch test files attached to emails.

9.3 Save As to save results to a different file

FanTestic can store test data (“File”  “Save As”), which creates a new test file with the same name as
the current test file but with the current date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (HHMM) added at the end. The
new file is normally saved in your MyDocuments\Retrotec\Tests folder.

For example, using the original test file “ATTMA 2014-02-28 1642.fxml”, if we do a “File”  “Save As” at
10:42am on the 3


of March 2014, the new file will have the suggested file name: “ATTMA 2014-02-28

1642 [2014-03-03 1042].fxml”.

The “SaveAs” function makes it convenient to save the original test and keep it intact, but have a second
“Save As” copy in which to manipulate parameters without affecting the original test.

The “SaveAs” copy of the file may be changed without affecting the original test data, but the two files
are visually linked via the filename.

9.4 Print the Test as a Print-Screen

FanTestic will print the data as-is, i.e. only what is on the interface screen.

Click on “File”  “Print”, and you can either generate a PDF document or print a paper copy using the
printer functions in Windows.

The “Print” function essentially prints a screen shot of the FanTestic interface with each of the expander
sections open, even if you cannot see all of the expander information on the screen at once.

Alternatively, and more effectively, you can generate a report from the data and print the report, see
section 9.4.