Retrotec FanTestic (ATTMA) User Manual

Page 14

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Page 14 of 58
©Retrotec Inc. 2011-2014

Cover fans before taking bias readings?

Selecting "Yes" will cause the software to stop after the initial bias pressure readings have been taken in
order for the user to uncover the fan(s). Select “No” for a nonstop test in which test pressure will be
taken immediately following initial bias pressure readings.

Show calculation warning?

Warnings will appear when the “Calculate” button is clicked if insufficient building information is
provided (i.e. no building volume was entered, therefore ACH50 cannot be calculated). Choose Yes to
view the calculation warnings.

Data to show On Graphs

This selection allows you to choose whether the graphs will show all readings, or only show the single
point that is the average of all readings at any particular Test Fan pressure.

Individual Control

With individual control unchecked, or off, all fans will be controlled by the induced pressure reading on
the primary gauge.

Since controlling all fans based on the primary gauge induced pressure may result in “dueling” fans, in
which case one takes over and runs up to a speed of 100%, while the other fans decrease to 0% speed,
the option exists to set “Individual control” to be checked, or on, so each fan is controlled by the
induced pressure on its own gauge.

The Individual Control function allows a user choose the method that the FanTestic will use to seek a
target pressure when multiple fans are being used.

The Individual Control function in FanTestic sets whether a number of fans are controlled with the same
signal (from one gauge) so all fans run at the same speed or whether each fan is controlled individually
and will run at different speeds.

For the fans to be controlled only by their own gauges, check Individual Control. In this case, FanTestic
will have to send the pressure or speed to each of the gauges.

On the other hand, to control the speed of multiple fans (with only one primary gauge that will be
receiving ‘set pressure’ signals from FanTestic), simply uncheck Individual Control. In this case, FanTestic
will send the pressure to a single (primary) gauge, and the primary gauge will direct its speed signal to
the other gauges simultaneously.