Resources chapter 17 – Remote Processing RPC-2350 User Manual
Page 78
Opto-22 G4 modules are available from Allied
Grayhill G5 modules are available from D igi-key.
Isolated RS-485 and communications
B&B Electronics in Illinois. Ph: 815 433 5100
Makes seve ral comm unication and isolation products.
RS-232 to RS-485 converters
B&B Electronics in Illinois. Ph: 815 433 5100
Makes seve ral conver ter produc ts.
Octagon Systems, C olorado Ph: 303 430 1500. The
MTB-485 takes RS-232 from your PC and outputs RS-
485. Ver y easy to use. Have used this product on our
boards. We suppor t the MTB-485 w ith our boards.
Temperature sensors and transmitters
Minco, Minnesota Ph: 612 571 3121
Assortm ent of RTD ’s, ther mocouples, and transmitter s.