Chapter 1 overview, Chapter synopsis, Description – Remote Processing RPC-2350 User Manual

Page 5: Manual organization, Manual conventions

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Brief description of the RPC-2350 and RPC-2350G


How this manual is organized


How to get technical support


Application disk


The RP C-2350 is an embe dded contr oller with a built in
Basic language. The RP C-2350G also includes a
graphics display interface. Other features include:


Built in CAMBASIC pr ogramm ing language
autoruns at power up. On card Flash EPROM
program mer save s program s.


Eight single e nded or 4 differen tial analog inputs
convert voltage inputs to a digital value using a 12 -
bit (4096 count) A/D converter. Two 12-bit analog
or 4-20 mA. outputs also available.


Keypad port for an operator interface. The 16
position keypad is automatically scanned and is read
using the KEYPAD command.


Two RS-232 serial ports are pr ogramm able for baud
rate, par ity, length, and stop bits. Both inputs and
outputs have a 256-byte buffer.


A watchdog timer resets the card if the program
"crashes. ” T he timer is enabled and disabled by


48 general purpose digital I/O lines, 8 of which are
high curr ent outputs. These lines can connec t to
another opto rack.


128K of battery backed RAM is standard. A 512K
RAM optionally available.


Built in EPROM pr ogramm er save program s for
autorun on power up or r eset.

The RP C-2350 uses a Z 8S180 C PU o perating d ouble
clocked at 18 MH Z. Double c locked oper ation mak es it
twice as fast as its equivalent 64180 CPU. The board
operates stand alone or on an RS-485 network. Its 5.0"
x 8.0" size makes it easy to mount in a NEMA box.

CAM BASIC progr amm ing language is standard . T his
language is similar to Microsoft GW Basic. All hardware

is supporte d by Basic com mands. A com plete
description of CAMBA SIC comm ands is in the
CAMBASIC Programming Guide.

Program development can take place on your PC, using
y o ur w o r d p r o ce s so r , o r on th e RP C - 2 35 0 . P r og r a m s
from your P C can be downloaded using PC SmartLink
o r o th e r se r ia l c o m m un ic a ti on p r og r a m .

We can customize the RPC -2350 for your production
needs. Some exam ples include latching connectors,
installing a specific combination of memory, soldering
IC’s directly to the board (where practical), and
remov ing components for cost reductions. You must
purchase at least 25 boards and allow for extra lead time.
We can provide you with a firm quote ahead of time.


This m anual pro vides all the infor mation r equired to
install, configure, and use the features on the RPC -2350.
The manual is organized by function. T he first section
deals with getting the board operational. Other sections
address on boar d I/O and capabilities.

This manual makes refer ences to the RPC-2350. The
RPC -2350 and RP C-2350G are very similar. Unless
otherwise noted, ever ything that applies to the RPC-2350
also applies to the RPC-2350G.

This manual assumes you are fam iliar with some type of
BASIC progr amming software. The syntax used by
CAM BASIC is similar to Microsoft' s GW or
QuickBASIC. If you are not experienced with BASIC
software, you may want to refer to books and training
programs available through your local software store.
The CAMBA SIC Programming Manual has information
and examples for all command s.


The RPC -2350 uses a Zilog Z8S180
processor. Additional information can be
obtained from Zilog at www .zilog. com or
your local representative.


The RPC-2350 and RPC-2350G are very similar.
Unless otherw ise noted, r eferences to the RP C-2350 also
apply to the RPC-2350G. The primary differences
between the two boards are power input and graphics
display capability.