Overview chapter 1 – Remote Processing RPC-2350 User Manual
Page 6

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CAM BASIC (tm) V1.4
© 1985-94 Octagon Systems Corporation
© 1999 Remote Processing Corporation
All rights reserved - free 32434
Symbols and Term inology
NOTE: Text under this heading is helpful information.
I t i s i nt e nd e d t o a c t a s a r e m in d er o f s o m e
interaction with another part of the manual or
device that may not be obviou s.
Information under this heading warns you of
situations that might cause catastrophic or
irreversible damage.
Denotes jump er block pins.
< xxx> Paired angle brackets are used to indicate a
specific key o n your ke yboard . F or exam ple
< esc> means the escape key.
BASIC uses decimal convention for designating
addresses and data. There are times, however, when
hexadecimal notation is more convenient to use.
The hexadecimal notation used in this manual and by
CAM BASIC is the ampersand charac ter (&) before the
number. A &8C stands for 8C hexadecimal
A disk with many sa mple pr ogram s is included w ith this
manual. T his manual references progr ams on the disk.
You may use the code on these disks in your own
CAM BASIC progr am. These program s are for
demonstration purposes only and there is a good
probability you will modify them to suit your needs (i.e.,
safety checks).
If you have a question about the RPC-2350 or
CAM BASIC used on it and ca nnot find it in this ma nual,
call us and ask fo r technica l support.
When you call, please have your R PC-2350 and
CAM BASIC manuals ready. Sometimes knowing what
the RPC-2350 is used for is helpful, so please be ready
t o d e sc r ib e it s a p pl ic a ti on a nd th e pr o b le m .
Phone: 303-690-1588
E-mail: info@r p3.com