Remote Processing RPC-2350 User Manual

Page 28

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Figure 5-2 2350 system memory map

Figure 5-3 Flash memory map

Program s and CAM BASIC variables reside in segment
0, between addr ess 00000H and 0FF FFH . Your
variable s (as defined a bove) ar e stored fr om 1000 0H to
1FFF FH (w ith 128K RAM), which is called segment 1,
address 0000H to FF FF H. When 5 12K RA M is
i ns ta l le d , th e us e fu l r a n ge is fr o m 10 0 00 H to 7 F F F F H .
A s eg m en t h a s a n ad d re ss r an g e f r om 0 00 0 to F F F F H
(or & 0000 to &F FF F using C AM BASIC notation) (in

decimal terms, this is 0 to 65535).

NOTE: Do not use the CAM BASIC SOU ND statement

when the boar d has 512K of RAM or Flash
memory. Sound output is multiplexed with an
address line.

Program and basic variables (A, B(15), C $, etc. ) always
reside in segment 0 and are cleared on reset. A special
set of variables, A% - Z%, reside is segment 0 and are
not cleared on reset. These are floating point numbers
and can be used like any other variable in Basic.

Variables you peek and poke to should reside in segment
1 with 128K RAM installed or segments 1-7 with 512K.
PEEK and PO KE commands store and retrieve values
from memor y. For example:

20 POKE 12,A,1

puts the value of A into segment 1, address 12. U se the

PEEK statement to retrieve the variable:

50 B = PEEK(12,1)

You can store and retrieve arrays, strings, and variables
in this way. There ar e many variations of PEE K and
POKE statements. Refer to the CAMBA SIC
Programming Manual
for additional information and
examp les. A list of comm ands appea rs at the end of this

Flash Memory

Programs are stored in Flash EPROM. Programs are
t r an s fe r r ed f ro m F la s h t o R A M a t r u n t im e o r L O A D .
Data may also be stored in Flash. Below shows the
Flash memor y map.

A 128K or 512K F lash type EP ROM may be in stalled in
U3. Jumper W2 configures U3 for Flash size.

Data may be stored above the progr am in Flash using the
SAVE comm and. The SA VE co mma nd transfe rs data
from RAM to Flash. Fonts for the RPC-2350G are
stored in Flash abo ve progr am 1 starting at F lash address
&1AC 00 (this is segment 9, address &AC 00 when using
SAVE). This will not interfere with your program but
will affect any data storage plans you may have.