Graphic display port chapter 15 – Remote Processing RPC-2350 User Manual

Page 69

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command. The comm and byte value is &59.

3 . 3 . 1. 2 F C

FC1 and FC 0 set the character cursor flash rate.

3 . 3 . 1. 3 F P

Set the attributes of each screen. FP0 and FP1 are
the character screen. FP2 and FP 3 are the graphics
layer, or screen. F P4 and FP 5 are not used.
Setting a flash rate at 16 Hz does a poor job of a
half tone effect. A flash rate of 2 Hz does get

Com mand ex ample be low sets the tex t layer to flash at a
2 Hz rate.

OUT &F9,&59
OUT &F8,10

This command turns on both the character and graphics

OUT &F9,&59
OUT &F8,&17

This is equivalent to executing a DISPLAY ON
command. Since text and graphics are or’ed (by
default), you will see both.

These commands turn off the blinking cursor.

OUT &F9,&59
OUT &F8,&14

Screen overlay
This command selects how screen are displayed. There
are two screens available. Layer 1 is character and layer
2 is graphics.

Pixels on each layer can be OR’ed, XOR’ed, AND ’ed,
and Priority-OR’ed. See Figure 44 in the SED1335
technical m anual for mor e inform ation. By default, all
text and graphics are OR’ed.

Turn screens ON and OFF
The entire display, graphics, or small character screen
display is turn ed off (blanke d) by execu ting certain
comm ands. This is useful w hen you w ant to alterna te
graphics and sm all character scr een displays.


blanks the display. It is turned on by executing


NOTE: Display ON/OFF does not control its power.


You can turn on or off graphics and character displays
b y en te r in g th e ap p ro p ri at e l et te r af te r O N or O F F .


turns off the graphics screen.

NOTE: The cursor w ill continue to blink even if you

turn off the display. Execute a CONFIG


before writing to the display

to turn off the cursor . Y ou can m anually
control the cursor and screens. See “ Screen
flashing and screen ON/OF F” above.

Display power ON/OFF
The display can enter a power off mode ( the controller
manual calls it “Sleep In”). This mode shuts off the
controller signals. Bias power to the display is supposed
to be removed. However, it is not on the RPC-2350.
Bias power cannot be r emove d since is supplies p ower to
RS-232, analog input and outputs. Ther efore, do not
enter a display power OFF mode.

Some power can be saved by turning off the LCD back
light. The ground lead must be connected to P2 terminal
marked “ SWPW R:. On/off control is perform ed by
executing the following command:

OUT &E7,1

To tur n the inver ter off, execute

OUT &E7,0

Display mapping
The following information is for program mers who
understa nd how the SED 1335 chip w orks and want to
p u t i t i nt o m o d es n ot su p po r te d by C A M BA S IC .

The following is the memory map sent to SCROLL
register in the SED1335. .

Layer 1 (character)

SAD 1 &0000

Layer 2 (graphics)

SAD 2 &2000

Layer 3 (graphics)

SAD 3 &6000
SAD 4 &A 000