Epson PhotoPC 3100Z User Manual
Page 77

Recent Search Results folder, 29, 37
Rotating photos, 40
Running a slide show, 36
Screen Capture menu, 57 to 58
Search function, 37
drives in EPSON Photo!4, 28
folders in EPSON Photo!4, 28
images in EPSON Photo!4, 30
Sending files via e-mail, 41 to 42
Base Folder, 28
changing image information items shown, 32
slide show, 35
Slide show
buttons in the control panel, 36
running, 36
settings, 35
Slideshow menu, 35
installing in Windows, 12
installing on your Macintosh, 13
Source Drive, 46
EPSON AutoDownloader from EPSON CameraStarter, 24
EPSON AutoDownloader from Windows, 23
EPSON AutoDownloader from your Macintosh, 24
EPSON File Converter from Windows, 48
EPSON File Converter from your Macintosh, 52
EPSON Photo!4, 27
EPSON PhotoQuicker, 43, 59
Panorama Stitcher Light EP, 60
System requirements
for Macintosh, 8
for Windows, 8
TIFF file format, 30, 31
Troubleshooting, 62 to 64
Unlocking files, 38
Uploading files to a CompactFlash Card, 39
USB cable, 19, 22
USB driver
installing in Windows, 12
installing on your Macintosh, 13
User comments, 33, 39
Using a photo as wallpaper, 40
Video clips
adding user comments to, 39
changing file names, 38
copying, 39
erasing, 38
locking, 38
moving, 38
playing back, 34
selecting in EPSON Photo!4, 30