Epson PhotoPC 3100Z User Manual
Page 76

EPSON Photo!4 in Windows, 12
EPSON Photo!4 on your Macintosh, 13
EPSON PhotoQuicker in Windows, 12
EPSON PhotoQuicker on your Macintosh, 13
Panorama Stitcher Light EP in Windows, 12
Panorama Stitcher Light EP on your Macintosh, 13
QuickTime 4 in Windows, 12
QuickTime 4 on your Macintosh, 15
Software in Windows, 12
Software on your Macintosh, 13
USB driver in Windows, 12
USB driver on your Macintosh, 13
Making screen captures, 56 to 59
Memory card, See CompactFlash Card
Advanced, 23, 24, 25
Convert to the DCF file, 48 to 52
Details View, 32
Files and Folders, 23, 24, 25
Screen Capture, 57 to 58
Slideshow, 35
Panorama Stitcher Light EP
accessing, 60
installing in Windows, 12
installing on your Macintosh, 13
adding user comments to, 39
changing file names, 38
copying, 39
erasing, 38
getting information on, 31
locking, 38
moving, 38
printing, 43
rotating, 40
selecting in EPSON Photo!4, 30
sending via e-mail, 41 to 42
unlocking, 38
using as wallpaper, 40
viewing information, 30 to 33
viewing properties, 32
viewing thumbnail, 29
Pictures, See Photos
Playing back
audio recordings, 34
video clips, 34
QuickTime 4