Display, Fig.3, Fig.4 – Sealey BSCU25 User Manual
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4.2.1. Ensure the charger black and red crocodile clips are not "short circuited" at any time.
4.2.2. Identify the polarity of the battery terminals and check that they are free of corrosion deposits. Clean if required.
4.2.3. Identify the polarity of the battery terminal connected to the vehicle chassis (earth), normally the negative terminal.
4.2.4. Identify the system voltage of the vehicle, 12V or 24V (2 x 12V batteries).
4.2.5. Remove the battery electrolyte cover or caps, when applicable, to allow the gases produced by charging to escape.
4.2.6. If not a "sealed for life" battery, check electrolyte levels and *composition, add distilled water in each cell according to manufacturer's
instructions or 5-10 mm above the plates if information not available (remember the electrolyte is a corrosive acid). For sealed
batteries refer to manufacturers recharging instructions.
4.2.7. Connect the charger POSITIVE (Red or +) lead to the POSITIVE (+) terminal of the battery and the NEGATIVE (Black or -) lead to the
NEGATIVE (-) terminal of the battery. Lay the thermostatic control sensor in close proximity to the battery..
4.2.8. Plug the charger into an isolated mains and switch on the mains. The LED will flash "000"; the 'standby status' in table (fig.9). Select
either 12V or 24V on the selector switch, a green LED will be illuminated against the selected voltage.
4.3.1. Check the battery to ensure the NEGATIVE & POSITIVE terminals are clearly identifiable before removing the battery from the
4.3.2. Disconnect and remove the battery from the vehicle and place in an appropriate safe well ventilated area ready for charging.
4.3.3. Follow instructions 4.2.6; 4.2.7; 4.2.8.
4.3.4. The charging status of a battery will be displayed digitally in the LED window of the charger, it can also be determined by use of a
hydrometer which measures the specific gravity of the electrolyte. The following information indicates kg/l at 20°C:
1.28 = Fully charged 1.21 = Half charged 1.14 = Fully discharged battery.
WARNING! be cautious and vigilant as the electrolyte is highly corrosive.
4.4. CHARGING THE bATTERY - If we look at the graphs (fig.7 and fig.8), the projected voltage is represented by the lower line and the
projected current is represented by the upper incremental line. Stages and time are represented by the numbers 1 - 9 (fig.7) for lead
acid batteries and 1 - 10 (fig.8) for lead calcium acid batteries.
4.4.1. Select the required charging mode (fig.3) by pressing the "MODE" button (fig.5). The 'vehicle' icon indicates normal charging, the
'snowflake' icon indicates low temperature environment charging, the 'Cal' indicates calcium type battery charging and is also a repair
mode for sulphated batteries. The 'battery clips' icon indicate battery support mode, this mode provides power for the battery during
prolonged electronic diagnostic checks.
If either the 'Cal' icon or the 'battery clip" icon mode is required; from the initial
flashing "000" standby mode, press the mode button in quick succession (*before the "R E P" appears in the LED window)
and follow the illuminated icon indicators to the required mode. Press three times for "Cal", four times for 'battery clips', five
times for back to standby status. For further explanation of charging modes see table fig.6. *If a charging mode selection is made;
after a few seconds "R E P" appears in the LED window, this extinguishes after 5 flashes to read the selected 'voltage/current/
charging %' from fig.4 . Selection of 'Cal' (amber) and 'battery clip icon' (red) are now inhibited and cannot be selected.
4.4.2. Select the required 3 figure digital display by pressing the "display" button (fig.4) for 'voltage', press again for 'current' and again for
'charging %'. The exclamation mark indicates a fault condition. Inboard short circuit protection and overload protection instantly
shuts the charger down in a fault condition. For further explanation of displayed LED readings see table fig.6.
4.4.3. Check the current delivery to the battery by pressing the "display" button (fig.4). Initially, there will be a high rate of charge which will
slowly decrease according to the capacity and condition of the battery. Press again for 'current' and again for 'charging %' values.
4.4.4. When fully charged the ammeter reading 'current' should be "0.00" or close to “0.00” and the electrolyte in the battery should begin to
gas (not visible on vented sealed for life modern batteries). Press the "display" button to check the 'charging %', if the LED reads
"F U L" the battery is fully charged. If the LED reads "C H E" (stage 9 in graphs), wait whilst the charger checks the battery. If the
battery is fully charged the LED will normally change to "F U L" within 60 seconds.
4.4.5. Unless battery support mode is required, isolate mains power and unplug charger from the mains. On completion of all tasks
disconnect the power clamps, the earthed clamp first, clean the charger and store in a safe, dry area.
4.4.6. Replace the battery electrolyte cover or caps when applicable. Wipe up any splashes or spillage (remember the electrolyte is a
corrosive acid). Return the battery to the vehicle, if required, secure according the manufacturer’s instructions and re-connect the
power leads. Check to ensure all tools are removed before closing the bonnet.
Original Language Version
BSCU25 Issue: 1 - 27/06/13
© Jack Sealey Limited 2013
Voltage Current Charging %
green green green red
green red amber red