Sealey PPLK User Manual

Page 2

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3.3 PoLarity testinG. (see fig.3)

contacting the tip of the probe to a positive (+) circuit

will light the LED indicator rED. contacting the tip of

the probe to a negative (-) circuit will light the LED

indicator GrEEn. contacting the tip of the probe to

an open circuit will be indicated by the fact that the

LED indicator is off.


3.4 continuity testinG. (see fig.4)

By using the probe tip together with the auxiliary

ground lead, continuity can be tested on wires and

components which are disconnected from the vehicle’s

electrical system.

3.4.1 When continuity is present, the LED indicator will light


note: Do not press the power switch.


3.6 activatinG coMPonents reMoveD froM

tHe veHicLes eLectricaL systeM. (such as

fuel pumps, starter solenoids, magnetic clutches,

blower motors, cooling fans, lights etc.) see fig.5.

By using the probe tip together with the auxiliary

ground lead, components can be activated, thereby

testing their function.

3.6.1 connect the auxiliary ground lead’s clip to the

negative terminal of the component to be tested.

contact the probe to the positive terminal of the

component. the LED indicator should light GrEEn

indicating continuity through the component.

3.6.2 Whilst keeping an eye on the green illuminated LED,

quickly rock the power switch forwards to the single

bar position and release it. if the green indicator

changes instantly from GrEEn to rED, you may

proceed with further activation.

3.6.3 if the green indicator went off at that instant or if the

unit sounds, the unit has been overloaded. this could

happen for the following reasons.

a) Where the tip of the tester has contacted is a direct

ground or a negative voltage.

b) the component is short circuited.

c) the component requires a high amperage (e.g. a

starter motor).

note: When the unit sounds, a circuit breaker within

the unit will trip. this breaker will reset

automatically within 3 to 5 seconds.


3.10 testinG traiLer LaMPs anD connections

3.10.1 connect the unit to a battery of the correct voltage.

3.10.2 Attach the auxiliary ground lead to the trailer ground.

3.10.3 Probe the contacts of the towing electrical connector

whilst rocking the power switch to the forward single

bar position. this lets you check the function and

orientaion of the trailer lights. (see fig.9).


3.8 activatinG coMPonents WitH a Positive

(+) voLtaGe WitHin tHe veHicLe’s

eLectricaL systeM (see fig.7).

3.8.1 contact the probe tip to the positive terminal of the

component, the LED indicator should light GrEEn.

Whilst keeping an eye on the green indicator, quickly

rock the power switch forwards to the single bar

position and release it. if the green indicator changes

instantly from GrEEn to rED, you may proceed

with further activation.

3.8.2 if the green indicator went off at that instant or if the

unit sounds, the unit has been overloaded. this could

happen for the following reasons.

a) Where the tip of the tester has contacted is a

direct ground or a negative voltage.

b) the component is short circuited.

c) the component requires a high amperage (e.g. a

starter motor).


Haphazardly applying voltage to certain circuits

can cause damage to a vehicles electronic

components. therefore it is strongly advised to

use the correct wiring diagram and diagnosing

procedure whilst performimng tests.


3.9 activatinG coMPonents WitH a neGative

(-) voLtaGe WitHin tHe veHicLe’s

eLectricaL systeM (see fig.8).

3.9.1 contact the probe tip to the negaitive terminal of the

component, the LED indicator should light rED.

Whilst keeping an eye on the red indicator, quickly

rock the power switch backwards to the double bar

position and release it. if the red indicator changes

instantly from rED to GrEEn, you may proceed

with further activation.

3.9.2 if the red indicator went off at that instant or if the

unit sounds, the unit has been overloaded. this could

happen for the following reasons.

a) Where the tip of the tester has contacted is a

direct positive voltage.

b) the component is short circuited.

c) the component requires a high amperage (e.g. a

starter motor).

WarninG! With this function a vehicle’s fuse can

be blown or tripped if grounding the contact is in

series with it.


3.7 JuMPer LeaD feature (see fig.6).

3.7.1 the black clamp and the auxiliary ground lead are

connected through the unit. By leaving the red clip

disconnected from the vehicles battery, the unit can be

used as a long jumper lead.

3.7.2 Be careful to avoid short circuits and overloading

when using this jumper function. in this

congiguration the leads are not protected by the

units circuit breaker.


3.5.3 Locate the colour coded wire in the harness and

expose it.

3.5.4 Probe through the insulation of the wire with the probe

tip and move the power switch to the forward, single bar

position to energise the wire. if the LED indicator turns

off or the unit sounds you have identified the shorted


3.5.5 continue testing the wire at each connector in the

harness. the wire which causes the LED indicator to

turn off or causes the unit to sound will lead you to the

shorted area. inspect the harness for signs of chafing or

burnt out wiring and replace or repair as necessary.

3.5 foLLoWinG anD LocatinG sHort circuits:

in most cases a short circuit causes a fuse to blow or a

circuit breaker to trip and this is the best place to begin

the fault tracing process.

3.5.1 remove the blown fuse from the fuse box. Hold the

probe tip against each of the contacts in turn whilst

moving the power switch to the forward, single bar

position. the side which causes the LED indicator to

turn off or causes the unit to sound is the shorted circuit.

3.5.2 note this wire’s identification code or colour. follow the

wire as far as you can along the wiring harness.


issuE no: 2 - 14/01/09


issuE no: 2 - 14/01/09