Fig.1 – Sealey TC966 User Manual
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WarNiNG! The tyre must be deflated before using the bead breaker. Failure to heed this warning, could result in injury.
WarNiNG! dO NOT use on split, multi-piece or rims greater than 26".
connect the bead breaker to your pump.
You may use either a manual pump (610/40) or a air hydraulic pump (rE83/840/cWH).
NOTE! the manual pump may need to be operated by a second person to allow the operator to keep both hands on the bead breaker.
NOTE! the foot operated air hydraulic pump will enable you to maintain greater control over the bead breaker. If using an air pump you will
require a air supply of 100 - 120psi.
NOTE! Whichever pump you use, refer to the manufacturer's instructions supplied with that pump for correct connection and usage.
remove valve core and all balance weights.
Hold the breaker to the rim as shown in fig.1.
operate the pump. With the claw pushing against the outer part of the rim, the shovel and feet push against the bead of the tyre and
the inner rim.
Maintaining the pump pressure, the shovel pushes against the tyre and breaks the bead from the wheel rim. When the bead is
broken release the pump pressure and remove the bead breaker from the rim.
repeat this operation around the wheel as many times as necessary to break the tyre bead all the way around the wheel.
repeat steps 3.3 to 3.6 on the opposite side of the wheel.
3. OPeraTiON
4. MaiNTeNaNce
IMPORTANT: Only fully qualified personnel should attempt maintenance or repair.
When not in use, ensure jaw remains in the open position to minimise corrosion on the ram piston.
Keep the bead breaker clean and lubricate all moving parts on a regular basis.
WarNiNG! dO NOT use brake fluid as this may cause serious damage to the jack and will invalidate the warranty! Only use a good
quality jack oil, such as sEALEY HYDrAuLIc JAcK oIL. NOTE: Ensure waste oil is disposed of in accordance with local authority
Before each use check for broken, cracked, bent, or loose parts, or any visible damage to welds, ram, pump, jaws, frame and all parts
including nuts, bolts, pins and other fasteners. If any suspect item is found, remove from service and take necessary action to remedy
the problem.
dO NOT use the bead breaker if believed to have been subjected to abnormal load or shock. Inspect and take appropriate action.
iMPOrTaNT: NO reSPONSibiliTy iS accePTed FOr iNcOrrecT uSe OF THe MacHiNe.
Hydraulic products are only repaired by local service agents. We have service/repair agents in all parts of the UK.
DO NOT return to sealey. Please telephone Sealey on 01284 757500 to obtain the address and phone number of your local agent. If breaker is
under guarantee please contact your dealer.
de-commissioning the bead breaker
should the bead breaker become completely unserviceable and require disposal, draw off the oil into an approved container and dispose of the
jack and the oil according to local regulations.
Picture for illustrative purposes only.
Suitable PPe such as gloves must be used.
ram extends,
pushing bead
off rim.
claw and feet
grip the rim.
tc966 Issue no. 1 - 24/11/08