Sealey GSA26 User Manual
Safety instructions, Instructions for, Air cut-off tool 75mm straight model no: gsa26

safety instructions
Follow all workshop Health & Safety rules, regulations, and conditions when using tool.
WarninG! Disconnect from air supply before changing cutting disc or servicing.
Maintain tool in good condition and replace any damaged or worn parts. Use genuine parts only.
Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
WarninG! Check correct air pressure is maintained and not exceeded. We recommend 90psi.
Keep air hose away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Check air hose for wear before each use and ensur
that all connections are secure.
WarninG! Before each use check cutting disc is secure and the disc is not worn or damaged. If damaged
replace immediately.
Ensure replacement discs are not damaged in any way such as cracks, deformations or splinters etc. Also
check the mounting washer to ensure it is not deformed, burred or notched. Damaged washer must not be
used as it may cause irregular pressure on the disc
which may cause the disc to break.
Do not over tighten a disc and never tamper with a disc in order to
adapt it to a different size holder.
Always use a disc suitable for the material being cut. Ensure the maximum speed specification of the cutting
disc is the same as or higher than that indicated on the machine data plate.
WarninG! Keep disc guard in place, tight and in good working order. The safety guard is a mandatory
fitting where the tool is used in premises covered by the Health & Safety at Work Act.
WarninG! Always wear approved eye or face protection when operating the tool.
Use breathing protection in accordance with COSHH regulations if fumes or dust pose a hazard.
Wear ear defenders and gloves if necessary.
Keep hands and body clear of the workpiece when operating the tool.
Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip shoes.
Secure non stable workpiece with a clamp, vice or other adequate holding device.
Keep children and non essential persons away from the working area.
Avoid subjecting disc to excessive strain, always ease disc down against workpiece (a harsh impact may
break the disc). Do not over press in order to cut workpiece. Maintain a controlled adequate progression,
which will emit a maximum of sparks.
Do not hold the workpiece by hand. Use clamps or a vice to secure the workpiece.
Do not use the tool for a task it is not designed to perform.
WarninG! Do not use tool if damaged or faulty. Contact your local service agent.
Do not use tool unless you have been instructed in its use by a qualified person.
Do not position your body in line with the disc whilst cutting, and DO NOT remove the safety guard whilst
in use.
Do not carry the tool by the air hose, or yank the hose from the air supply.
Do not direct air from the air hose at yourself or others.
WarninG! Do not cut any materials containing asbestos.
Do not switch the tool on whilst the disc is in contact with the workpiece.
Do not allow workpiece to overheat. Periodically cool by immersing the workpiece in water.
Do not use tool where there are flammable liquids, solids or gases such as paint solvents,
including waste wiping or cleaning rags etc as any sparks generated may be dangerous.
Do not touch the workpiece close to the ground surface as it will be very hot. Allow to cool.
The workpiece may also be very sharp.
Do not operate tool if you are tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
When not in use disconnect from air supply and store in a safe, dry, childproof location.
Thank you for purchasing a Sealey Product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
IMPORTANT: PLease reaD tHese instructions carefuLLy. note tHe safe oPerationaL reQuireMents,
WarninGs anD cautions. use tHis ProDuct correctLy anD WitH care for tHe PurPose for WHicH
it is intenDeD. faiLure to Do so May cause DaMaGe anD/or PersonaL inJury anD WiLL inVaLiDate
tHe Warranty. PLease KeeP instructions safe for future use.
Original Language Version
GSA26 Issue: 1 - 23/04/13
air cut-off tooL 75MM straiGHt
© Jack Sealey Limited