Sealey IR3000 User Manual
Page 3

When set, push Green stArt/stAndBY button to begin drying. once activated a flashing red light will denote the setting in use. the
system will automatically switch from flash to bake and continue until cycle has finished. the electronic control has a one minute minimum
built into the flash setting, as we would recommend a short period of flash at about half the pewter for most jobs. this operation will assist
in easing any solvents from the work and avoid such problems as skinning or popping.
each cassette head has a built-in on/off switch for total flexibility, allowing the operator to control heat as required.
NOTE: If any cassette fails to operate on any new cycle, individual switches should be checked as they may have been left in the off position.
WE rECoMMEnd A tEst PAnEL is UsEd for initiAL oPErAtion to ALLoW thE oPErAtor to fAMiLiArisE thEMsELVEs With
thE sYstEM.
fiLLEr: full power for about 5 minutes will achieve a hard sandable finish.
EtCh PriMEr: full power for approx. 5 minutes.
PriMEr: for normal build of two coats use full power for about 8 min.
hiGh BUiLd PriMEr: for a normal minimum of three coats we suggest 5 min flAsH then full power for a minimum of 10 min.
toP CoAts: top coats vary depending on the paint finish and colour, dark colours tend to heat rapidly and should always be used with flAsH at
just under half power - an average cure time is around 12min.
refer to tHe seAleY PAInt dAtA GuIde for full InformAtIon.
Original Language Version
Ir3000 Issue: 2 - 14/04/10