LinPlug Spectral User Manual
Page 99

Filter Frequency Operation frequency of the Filter, often used with an LFO
to create filter sweeps, with the Modulation Wheel to open
or close the filter during playing or with Velocity to react to
harder played notes.
Filter Resonance Resonance (Emphasis) of the Filter, a sometimes not as
obvious effect as modulating the frequency.
Filter Env-Depth The Amount of the Filter Envelope actually applied to the
Filter Cutoff.
Filter XMod Amt The cross-modulation amount of either cross-modulation
1 or 2.
Filter Volume
The output volume of the Filter.
Filter Pan
The output pan position of the Filter.
Filter Route Bal The balance of the routing to the two effects units
following the the Filter.
Main Volume
Overall volume of the sound. This destination is always
directly controlled by the Main Envelope but also
available in the Matrix to apply Key-Scaling, LFO's or for
special effects.
Main Pitch
Overall pitch of all Oscillators. Often used for vibrato or
drum sounds where the pitch drops quickly at the start of
the sound. You can also use Glide for certain overall pitch
Main Pan
Controls all four Filter Pan parameters at once, good
when you want the whole sound to move in the stereo
panorama (and not just a part of it)
Main Route Bal Controls all four Filter Route Balance parameters at once,
good when you want the whole sound change its effects
routing (and not just a part of it)
LFO Speed
Speed of one of the five LFOs, this allows tempo changes
of the LFO to be modulated by for example another LFO,
Envelope or MIDI controller. Another example is Key Lin
as source which makes the LFO run faster with higher