Options – LinPlug Spectral User Manual

Page 78

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You can send a MIDI program change or bank change command to
Spectral. This option can be disabled on the options page.

You can select the sound in your DAW software (when your DAW
software supports such sound selection, most do). This option can
be disabled on the option page.

Usually, to select a new sound you will click on the bank name or on the

sound name. The response is slightly different:
When you click on the bank name, the whole GUI becomes a large list of

available banks. The moment you selected a bank the GUI will switch to the
list of sounds in the just chosen bank.

When clicking on the sound name the full user interface of Spectral

becomes a large list with all sounds from the current bank.

Whenever you open the Sound Browser Spectral will save its current
preset state, so in case you cancel the preset selection you find the sound

in exact that state you left it when opening the Sound Browser.

Note that the currently loaded bank or preset is displayed in a different
color in the Bank- or Sound-Browser to indicate what browser you are in..

Right of the Sound Name is a Modulation Indicator. It shows Abbreviations

for VEL (velocity) PW (Pitch Wheel) MW (Modulation Wheel) and AT
(Aftertouch or Pressure). If lit it means that the current sound reacts to that

Modulation input, e.g. when MW is lit it means that when you move the
Modulation Wheel this will have some more or less obvious effect on the

sound. Not all sounds respond to all kinds of possible modulation inputs,
thus this indictators help you to know something about the sound.

The Save button finally allows you to save the current settings as a new

preset; Spectral will default to the “My Presets” bank within the Factory

Attention: When pressing Shift-Alt while clicking this button, no dialog will
open and the preset will be saved to the same location as where it was

loaded from (or last saved to, if it has been saved again already). Use this
with caution, the target file is overwritten without notice.


the Options symbol lets you open the Options page described soon (see
page 85).