Features – LinPlug Spectral User Manual

Page 10

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4 Oscillator and Filter modules with powerful yet detailed
harmonics and filter band editing and modification functions.


Extensive Oscillator and Filter audio rate cross-modulations.


Each Oscillator and Filter with own dedicated envelope to control

its volume or frequency respectively


Additional 3 freely assignable Modulation Envelope.


5 LFOs with

various waveforms

free adjustable tempo up to over 300 Hz

tempo-sync capabilities

Poly-, mono- and one-shot-mode

Unipolar and bipolar options

integrated delay-attack-envelope

start phase and symmetry adjustable

adjustable smoothing


15 slot Modulation Matrix with 35 sources and more than 100

destinations including all important parameters


Fully recognizes Velocity, Aftertouch, Pitch Bend , Modulation-

Wheel and various other MIDI controllers


A sophisticated effects section containing many Effects including

various Delays, Chorus, Phaser, Filter, Reverb, Flanger, Gator,
Parametric EQ and Crusher.


Glide / Portamento featuring

Mono/Polyphonic operation

“Fingered” mode

switchable constant Time / constant Rate operation

Auto-Bend Modes

switchable to affect pitch and / or cutoff

switchable to only affect certain Oscillators / filters


32-voice polyphony (CPU and sound program dependent) and

adjustable voice limit (Mono...12, all).


Supports AU and VST hosts on Mac OS X and Windows PC.


Sample accurate timing, parameter automation and settings are
saved with your song.