Chorus – LinPlug Spectral User Manual
Page 57

The Chorus effect can be used to thicken a single sound creating the
impression that it contains multiple voices. There are two Chorus in
Spectral both share a lot so they are described together in this section. The
Chorus works by mixing delayed signals with the original signal. Chorus 2
offers fewer control over the sound but uses a different algorithm and might
be better suited for certain sounds, particularly with audio that has a wide
stereo image.
The Chorus 1
The Time dial is used for setting the delay time. Middle or longer times
produce a typical chorusing effect while shorter times rather create a
flanging effect.
The Rate dial sets the rate at which the signal is modulated.
Hint: Sometimes its a good combination to have Time high and Rate low or
Time low and Rate high, but of course everything is a matter of taste.
The Chorus 2
A unique feature of the Chorus 1 are its Time Spread and Rate Spread
parameters. Basically, Spread makes the chorus sound fatter by adding