Sound selection – LinPlug Spectral User Manual

Page 77

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a few parameters it might be easiest to undo these recent changes. You

can do so by clicking the Undo button once or multiple times.

In case you went back to far, having clicked Undo once too often you can
simply redo (that is kind of undo the undo) the last change. Note that you

can redo as many times as you did undo before (however, any manual
parameter change will immediately end the possible Redo's).

Note: complex operations like loading a patch or copying a complete

module to another using the Spectral's tools menus cannot be undone.

Sound Selection

The Sound Selection section is located on the bottom center of the main
panel. It consists of several separate controls: The Bank- and Sound-Name

display, the Modulation Info, the Previous/Next switches and the Save

The leftmost part is the Bank- and Sound-Name display, it shows the name

of the last loaded bank on the left and the last loaded sound on the right.
Whenever a sound is loaded in whatever way, the sound name is updated

with the name of the sound and the bank name with the name of the bank
from which the sound has been loaded.

Sounds are always loaded from the Spectral library. The factory library was

installed with Spectral. Of course you can add your own presets and third
party presets to this library. To open the browser window, click on either the

sound name (to open it with the current bank) or the bank name (to choose
a new bank).

The browser window is described in chapter “Sound Browser” on page 82.

Sounds can be changed in five ways:

A new sound can selected by opening the sound browser (by
clicking either the bank or preset name, more on this soon)

The respective previous or next sound in a bank can be loaded by
clicking the Previous or Next switches located to the right of the

Bank/Sound display.

The respective previous or next sound in a bank can be loaded by
pressing the left or right arrow key on your computer keyboard.
This only works when your DAW software allows plugins to receive

these keys.