Yaskawa Portable Control Display Unit User Manual
Page 9

PCDU Menu Keys
(Fault Menu): This menu is used to gain
access to the FAULT List and the ERROR
List within the drive to get a running
history of the operation of the drive.
(Test Menu): This menu is used to
performed certain diagnostic tasks. Items
in this menu include loading factory set
defaults for parameters, SCR and fuse
testing, and other diagnostic functions.
Some of the PCDU keys have functions
which are not always prompted by the
display. These keys are:
(Escape): When this key is pressed, it
moves the PCDU display one level closer
to the top of the current menu.
(Shift): This key toggles in and out of the
alphabetic character entry mode. The shift
key must be pressed for every key that
needs shifting.
(Clear): This key is used when changing a
parameter in the Parameter menu. If an
error is made when setting a parameter, this
key is used to clear the display so that the
proper value can be entered.
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