Grass Valley NewsQ Pro v.2.1 User Manual
Page 19

Linking to a Newsroom Computer System (NCS)
Digital News Production
A typical newsroom workflow using a newsroom computer system (NCS) is:
• The news producer creates a rundown using NCS
• The news producer uses the NewsQ Pro Assignment List Plug-in to:
- Create placeholders for scripts that require clips
- Assign placeholders to editors
- Link placeholders to scripts in the rundown
• The news producer assigns playback channels within the NCS rundown
• The news editor creates sequences for assignments using NewsEdit
• The news editor uses the NewsQ Pro Assignment List Manager to:
- Receive assignments from the producer
- Create additional clip placeholders
- Reassign placeholders to other editors
- Send completed clips to a Media Server, such as a Profile Video Server or
an M-Series iVDR
• The playback operator uses the main NewsQ Pro application to:
- Open the producer’s rundown playlist
- Assign clips to specific channels for playback
- Rearrange, insert, or delete clips prior to broadcast if necessary
- Play back clips during the news broadcast