Grass Valley NewsQ Pro v.2.1 User Manual
Page 136

Digital News Production
sorting 21
viewing video thumbnails 22
Playback Operator, role with ENPS 5
playing clips 59
adding new clips 64
appending 55
appending rundowns to 51
chaining clips 56
creating with NewsQ Pro 53
description of 44
exporting 55
opening 55
playing clips 59
rearranging 63
rearranging layout 62
saving 54
understanding colors 45
using context-sensitive menu 65
playlist overview, description 49
Plug-ins, Assignment List Manager 30
precautions iii, iv
previewing rundown 52
Producer, role in ENPS workflow 5
product support i
Profile Server, importing clips from 75
properties, clip 62
rearranging the playlist 63
receiving editing assignments 32
recording black clip 61
recycle bin, emptying 72
refreshing clip list 73
Remote Display Unit, description of 96
Editor using ENPS 5
Editor using NewsQ Pro 7
Playback Operator using NewsQ Pro
Playback Operator with ENPS 5
Producer using ENPS 5
Producer using NewsQ Pro 7
appending to playlist 51
description of 48
linking to ENPS 25, 50
previewing 52
safety guidelines iii
saving playlists 54
script, definition of 3
SDB Server
configuring 106
definition of 13
definition of 3
linking to NewsQ Pro 33
service safety v
showing missing clips 40
sorting placeholders 21
story, definition of 3
support i