Introducing newsq pro, Chapter 1 – Grass Valley NewsQ Pro v.2.1 User Manual

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Digital News Production





Introducing NewsQ Pro

NewsQ Pro is a news playout control system that works with Thomson Grass
Valley’s K2, Profile Video Server or M-Series iVDR, NewsEdit (version 4.0
and above), and a MOS-compatible newsroom computer system, such as the
Associated Press Electronic News Production System (ENPS), version 2.09 and
above, or Avid Technology’s iNews, version 1.5 and above.

NewsQ Pro combines a nonlinear editing system with an electronic news
production system and a media server for a complete digital solution.

This manual shows you how to use NewsQ Pro effectively and efficiently to
play out clips to air using electronic news clips created with NewsEdit.

This chapter discusses:

• What NewsQ Pro is

• Terms you should know

• How to use NewsQ Pro in your newsroom, and the roles of newsroom staff

• The NewsQ Pro software components

For detailed information on installing the NewsQ Pro system in your newsroom,
see the NewsQ Pro Installation Guide.

This manual is related to the following products: