Grass Valley K2 Dyno PA Configuration Manual v.1.5 User Manual
Page 42
5. Click
6. Turn write filter on.
7. Verify that the K2 Summit system is connected to the network.
CAUTION: If the K2 Summit system is not connected to the network,
connect a cable between the Control network to another network port.
Otherwise, when you reboot, the machine will not be able to access the file
system; you will not see the V: drive.
8. Reboot the machine.
9. Proceed to “Installing K2 Dyno PA”.
Related Links
Configuring the DLC server
on page 37
About standalone K2 Summit system and K2 Dyno PA DLC configuration
on page 34
About the K2 Dyno PA application and the Grass Valley platform
The K2 Dyno PA application is managed by the Grass Valley platform service. One
Grass Valley platform service can coordinate between multiple Dyno PA clients and
multiple K2 systems.
K2 Dyno Production Assistant Configuration Manual version 1.5
15October 2010
Configuring the standalone K2 Summit system and K2 Dyno PA
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