Grass Valley K2 Dyno PA v.2.0 User Manual
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same login information. You can export the layout information to an XML file. This
file can be saved as a backup or imported into another Dyno PA client. Another user
can also import this layout, overwriting their own layout.
Layouts can be customized in several ways. If you select
Users & Preferences
the menu, you can:
Change the list font: Changes the font, size, and style of the text for each pane in
Dyno PA, with the exception of the Browse and Info panes.
Specify the Browse live delay: Determines the time delay for Live mode in the
Browse pane.
Load or save a layout: You can arrange the Dyno PA panes for your particular
workflow and save the layout, or import a previously saved layout. For information
on how to load or save a layout, see Customizing the K2 Dyno PA User Interface.
Specify the default value for markers: When you create a mark-in or mark-out
point, you can specify the default value its corresponding mark-out or mark-in
Add guard bands: Also referred to as handles, guard bands add seconds to the
beginning and end of an asset. To apply guard bands to an asset, either the transfer
type must be GXF or the transfer must be from and to a K2 Summit system.
Create reference file for QuickTime exports:If this box is checked, Dyno PA
creates a Quicktime reference file that an editor can use while the transfer is in
When using drag and drop create copy of the asset instead of a shortcut: By
default, dragging and dropping an asset within a K2 system, for example from bin
to bin, creates a shortcut pointing to the original asset rather than an entirely new
copy of the asset. If you check this box, Dyno PA creates an entirely new copy of
the asset when you copy and paste.
Manage SNFS Name Servers:You can add or delete SNFS name servers.
CAUTION: Any changes to the SNFS name servers will affect the whole
system and may cause unwanted results. Before modifying the SNFS
configuration, review the K2 Dyno PA Configuration Manual.
Modify Advanced Settngs: You can modify the Windows username and password.
These need to match an administrator account on the PC that is running the platform
CAUTION: Any changes to the Windows username and password will affect
the whole system and may cause unwanted results.
Manage user accounts:You can add, edit, or delete user accounts. You can also
revert to the default layout.
Layouts can be customized for a particular workflow. You can close or rearrange the
individual panes (except the Asset List pane).
For example, you could create a login specifically for transferring assets, with only
the following panes showing: Active Transfers, Completed Transfers, Transfer
13 June 2011
Dyno Production Assistant User Manual
About K2 Dyno Production Assistant