Grass Valley TR6442i User Manual

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Setting Up the CommLink TR6442i

Converting a Two Channel System to work with a Matrix Frame

Converting a Two Channel System to work with a Matrix Frame

Fig. 3-5: Converting a Two Channel System to work with a Matrix Frame

Connect the Two-Channel Two-Wire Intercom System (1) and CommLink TR6442i Fiber
Optic Intercom Link Unit (2). In this example a Mussell Shell version is used. Power the
CommLink TR6442i Fiber Optic Intercom Link using the appropriate power supply (3).

Connect the Intercom Matrix (4). The WDM factor of the CommLink TR6442i Fiber Optic
Intercom Link is not relevant in this scenario.

In this example a Mussel Shell version of the CommLink TR6442i Fiber Optic Intercom Link
is used. It makes no difference which of the three physical versions of the CommLink
TR6442i Fiber Optic Intercom Link is used.

The System Switches should be set as follows:

SYSTEM - Set for your Two Channel System - ClearCom (CC) or RTS

MODE - Set to 2W

2W POWER - Set for your CommLink Unit