Grass Valley 7600REF User Manual

Page 77

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7600 SD/HD/MHD-REF — Instruction Manual



Internal Reference Oscillator Stability

Nominal error


± 0.5Hz (0.1 ppm)

Temperature stability
(over oven operating temperature

< ± 0.05 ppm

Ageing range (per year)

< 0.5 ppm

Warm up settling time to < 0.05 ppm

10 minutes @ 25C

Genlock Video Input Performance

Video input type

2 BNC high impedance loop through

Return loss @ subcarrier

< -40 dB

Video DC range


± 12V

Video signal amplitude (to keep unit
within specification)

300 mV sync/burst

± 6 dB

(285 mV 525 operation)

Sync attenuation below which signal
will be indicated as missing

- 8 dB (with respect to 300 mV/625 or 285 mV 525 operation)

Burst attenuation below which signal
will be indicated as monochrome

- 8 dB (with respect to 300 mV/625 or 285 mV 525 operation)

Sync frequency lock range


± 1.5kHz (± 100 ppm) -625


± 1.5kHz (± 100 ppm) -525

Subcarrier lock range

4.43361875MHz (625)
3.579545Mhz (525)

± 200Hz (±50 ppm)


Genlock video lockup time

< 7 seconds

Output sync jitter with respect to clean
genlock video input

< ± 3 ns

Output subcarrier with respect to clean
genlock video input,
lock mode = EXT 1/2/3

< ± 0.25 degrees

Output subcarrier with respect to clean
genlock video input
lock mode = EXT 4

< ± 2 degrees

Input video ScH phase over which an
ScH error is indicated

+90 ± 15 degrees, -90 ± 15 degrees (approx.)

Genlock video sync to output sync tim-
ing accuracy, over full operating tem-
perature range

< 5 ns

Genlock video subcarrier to output sub-
carrier phase accuracy over full operat-
ing temperature range

< 5 degrees

Vertical lockup rate, genlock video to
output, when unit set to line drop mode

1 line/5 field

Genlock Operational Control

Horizontal offset adjustment range

± 32 us

Horizontal offset resolution

1 ns

Horizontal offset accuracy


5 ns over full range

Subcarrier phase adjustment range

0 to 359.9 degrees

Subcarrier phase resolution

0.1 degree

Line offset adjustment range

1 line steps over entire 525/626 range

Table 6. 7600REF Specifications

