Grass Valley 7600REF User Manual
Page 75

7600 SD/HD/MHD-REF — Instruction Manual
< 135 ps
Rise/fall times
< 270 ps (20-80%)
DC Offset (AC coupled)
0 ± 0.5V
Embedded Audio
Active channels
Selectable 1, 2, 3, or 4
Sample Frequency
Digital coding
24 bits
Audio tone
25Hz to 20kHz in 25Hz steps
Audio level
0 to -120 dBFS
Tone modes
On, Off, CCIR, and EBU
Analog Video Output Performance
Output impedance
75 ohm
Sync amplitude
300 mV ± 3 mV (625)
285 mV ± 3 mV (525)
Burst amplitude
300mV ± 9 mV (625)
285mV ± 9 mV (525)
Black level DC
0V ± 20mV
Noise to 20 MHz
< -60dB (with respect to 700 mV
Noise above 20 MHz
< -40dB (with respect to 700 mV)
ScH accuracy, all controls set to zero
± 5 degrees
Sync edge risetime
250 ns, Gaussian (635)
140 ns, Gaussian (525)
Burst edge risetime
350 ns, Gaussian (635)
300 ns, Gaussian (525)
Difference in timing between any analog
video output and any other
(all controls set to zero)
± 10 ns
Difference in timing between any
black/burst output and the genlock video
output (all controls set to zero)
± 10 ns
Generation accuracy
10 bit
Timing accuracy (channel to channel)
± 5 ns
Level, 0 dB, p-p
1 V
± 1%
Black level DC
± 25 mV
Chrom/Lum gain
< 1%
Chrom/Lum delay
< 5 ns
Chrom phase accuracy
± 5 degrees
< 0.25%
Frequency response to 6 MHz
2 dB
Differential gain
< 0.5%
Differential phase
< 0.5 degrees
2T K rating
< 0.5% K
ScH accuracy
5 degrees
Table 6. 7600REF Specifications