Grass Valley 7600REF User Manual

Page 53

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7600 SD/HD/MHD-REF — Instruction Manual



GPS Antenna Requirements

The GPS module requires an external antenna with the following character-

Active single antenna is power from the 7600REF antenna connector

3V DC antenna is required

Reception frequency optimized for 1575.42 MHz

10 dB to 50 dB gain as measured at receiver input (Antenna perfor-
mance dictated by antenna manufacturer)

Connection by coaxial cable terminated in 50 ohm BNC male connector

Maximum cable length controlled by signal strength and location.
Trimble cable is 25m/75ft (N.B. standard cable length is 5m or less on
some antennas.) Each extra interconnect will attenuate the signal and
could increase acquisition/response time.

Mounting – ideally clear 360 degrees view of sky. Weatherproof mate-
rial for fixed installation.

Magnetic patch antennas suitable for vehicle mounting will also be satisfac-
tory; the signal may be improved by mounting on minimum 3 inch/75mm
square steel plate.

Recommended antenna types See Disclaimer below):

Trimble Bullet 3 with 75 ft cable. N or F to BNC adapter required. 3V or
as required.



2000 (Matching connectors and cable will also be required)



Hawk with BNC

Super Electronics Co.


GA001D105001S (fit own male BNC)



External GPD Antenna (specify male BNC and cable length)


Thomson Grass Valley Inc. is not connected in any way with any of the
above companies. The information above is given in good faith from infor-
mation in the public domain at the time of this manual release. Many
similar antennae are available and specifications change over time. Some
degree of experimentation may be required if the location is shrouded by
adjacent structures, buildings, etc. Excessive cable length will adversely
affect performance.

Thomson Grass Valley, Inc. has no control over the local conditions in
which the equipment is installed and the customer is expected to have
carried out a site survey to ensure that sufficient signal can be provided for
the equipment to work in a satisfactory manner. Thomson Grass Valley, Inc.
will not be held responsible for failures caused by poor installation, main-