7 system utility – Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual
Page 37

W ireless L AN AP Configuration
3. 2. 7 S yst em U t i l i t y
From here, you c an define the Acc ess Point’s I P Address and
Login Password and enabl e t he Access Point to be a DHCP
Paramet er Description
Pass word
Enter the current password (up t o 15-
digit alphanumeric string) of the Acc ess
Point. The default pass word for t he
Access Point is 1234. Not e that the
pass word is c ase-sensiti ve.
New Pass word
Enter the password (up t o 15-digit
alphanumeric string) you want t o login
to t he Access Point . Not e t hat the
pass word is c ase-sensiti ve.
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