Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual
Page 30

W ireless L AN AP Configuration
Pre-shared Key
You may selec t t o selec t ASCII
Characters (al phanumeric format) or
Hexadecimal Digits (in the “A-F”, “a-f”
and “0-9” range) t o be t he Pre-shar ed
Key. F or exampl e:
ASCII Charact ers: iamguest
Hexadecimal Digits: 12345abcde
Pre-shared Key
The Pre-s hared key is used t o
aut henticat e and encr ypt data
transmit ted in t he wireless net wor k. Fill
the text box by f ollowing the rules
Hex WEP: input 64-digit Hex values (in
the “A-F”, “a-f” and “ 0-9” range) or at
least 8 character pass phras e as t he
pre-shared keys .
Click Appl y butt on at the bottom of the screen t o save t he
above configurations. You can now configure other advanc e
sections or st art using t he Access Point.
Wi-Fi Protect ed Access ( WPA) is an advanced s ecurit y
standard. You can use an ext ernal RADIUS ser ver t o
aut henticat e wireless st ations and provide the s ession key t o
encr ypt data during communic ation. It us es TKI P to change
the encr yption key frequentl y. This c an i mprove sec urity ver y
muc h.